The jeep is in almost daily use and gets a hard life from my two boys. The body is built from waterproof MDF using plans from Toylander which came with an excellent build manual. However I went off spec somewhat and the only item original to the plans is the body.

The running gear is a back transaxel from an electric ride-on lawn mower that I bought from Ebay.  It has a 900W 36V motor that drives the rear wheels through a differential and has a single drum brake.   There are 3 x 12V mobility scooter batteries connected in series which are charged by a mobility scooter charger.  The speed is controlled via electric bicycle speed controller with a floor mounted accelerator pedal.  There is a 36V to 12V DC converted that powers the car horn and lights.


Underneath everything is held together with an inch box section frame welded and bolted to the body work.  Up front steering assembly is made from a mix of threaded rod, rose joints and agricultural fence hinges and a steering column and wheel mounted via pillow bearings.